Friday, February 13, 2009

“At the working man's house hunger looks in but dares not enter”

The link didn't work on the previous post, so here is look at where I am working these days. It's a Swedish restaurant open for breakfast and lunch called Broder Cafe. I've not yet worked during the week so I'm not sure how busy it gets, but the weekends are pretty treacherous. I am washing dishes and the pay is very reasonable. The work is fast paced and exhausting, but rewarding and it's nice to be able to finally contribute financially!

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It's about a six mile commute. Not bad!


km said...

cool little buddy! congrateyoulash!

this time i typed "cheen"

Kelli said...

I couldn't get the link to work? Where will you be working and congrats on the job!

Kelli said...

It looks really cool!

jay said...

lily's + cup o joe!